Dr. Hillel Cohen

Dr. Hillel Cohen, former practicing Gastroenterologist of 14 years, is currently the founder and CEO of Yanuvia.  He attended MTA for high School where he formed his relationship with his rebbe Muvhak, then 11th grade rebbe, R' Yonason Sacks Shlit"a. Following High School he learned in Yeshivas Har Etzion in Eretz Yisrael for two years. He then Spent the next few years learning in Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan (Yeshiva University) by R' Herschel Shachter Shlit"a. He knows resides in Boca Raton FL  giving a Shiur Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at BRS  on Maseches Berachos.

Contact: hcohen@Yanuvia.com

Ari Cohen

Ari Cohen...

Contact: 561-886-8856 / Aricohen500@gmail.com

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